Your Questions, Answered

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What is "22 Hard Things in 2022"?

22 Hard Things in 2022 is the list I made at the start of 2022 to remind myself that I can do hard things. I made the list to start living again. The list is unique to me and full of goals that encourage me to take care of my mind, body, and soul. More than anything, the list was created so that I could feel joy again, after years of depression. To see the full list and read more, click here.

How did you come up with your 22 Hard Things?

The list is a mixture of things I wanted to try again after years of convincing myself I wasn’t capable, things I needed to do but had been avoiding, and new things I had been scared to try. The end goal: JOY. “Hard” is relative to where you’re at in life, so everyone’s list will be different. To hear more about how I made my list and recommendations on creating a list of your own – click here.

Are you doing 23 Hard Things in 2023?

Yes, but with a twist! This year I’m doing #23HardThings. While I plan to have 23 things on my list this year, not all of them will be my things. I hope to not only tackle personal items on my list but do a handful of your hard things with you. I can’t wait to share other people’s stories of courage, strength, perseverance, and passion. I hope that others will create their own 23 Hard Things list in whatever way works for them. It could have #onehardthing on the list. It could be a longer list shared between friends, or a full list of 23 hard things just for yourself. What do they have in common? They’re important to us and we are doing them in 2023!

Can you speak at my event or work with my brand?

I’d love to chat about this with you! Please reach out via the contact form on the Content & Collaboration page so we can explore opportunities.

Where do you find plus-size running & triathlon gear?

It can be disheartening to start running, biking, and swimming and not have the tools you need to feel strong & confident. But I want to take this moment to say that regardless of what you wear, YOU BELONG IN THIS SPACE. I’m still on the hunt for my favorite fits, but here are a few things I’ve been wearing/using the past year. I’ll try to share more great finds on social media as I discover them.

Amazon List 

*If you shop from my Amazon list: As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. There is no additional cost to you.

Do you use a training program for running?

I loosely follow Jeff Galloway’s training programs for any races. Jeff Galloway is the creator of the run-walk-run methodology. This technique is used by experienced and beginning runners alike, and incorporates consistent walk breaks for higher performance and in my opinion, a more enjoyable experience. This methodology also helps me avoid injury and focus on feeling good during my runs.

What’s your sourdough recipe?

This is the recipe that made it possible for me to actually create a decent loaf!

King Arthur’s No Knead Sourdough Bread

What type of farm do you have?

My husband and I started our homestead in 2015, with the hopes of growing our own food. We have chickens, ducks, and goats. Our small dairy herd and gardens only serve our family currently, but we hope to create a space for others to enjoy and learn from soon!